Author PRofile

Marco Thom

is founder of and an artpreneur maker, developing artists into arts entrepreneurs and enabling them to make a sustainable and profitable living in the arts. His professional background is in investment banking and making start-ups grow since two decades. He did is PhD in arts entrepreneurship education and is conducting research in the fields of arts entrepreneurship education, arts incubation, and change management in the arts. 

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The Magnificent Seven
The model of ”the five plus two entrepreneurial skills“ for successful entrepreneurs in the arts 2020-04-29
We currently see how fragile artist careers can be when contracts and attention suddenly collapse. Talent therefore seems not to be enough to guarantee a long-term career as an artist entrepreneur. That’s why Marco Thom has developed a matrix of necessary management skills for self-employed artists and cultural entrepreneurs that is already used around the world.
» The model of ”the five plus two entrepreneurial skills“ for successful entrepreneurs in the arts
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