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Benjamin Jörissen, Lisa Unterberg, Tanja Klepacki

Cultural Sustainability and Arts Education: International Perspectives on the Aesthetics of Transformation

Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9789811939143
Number of pages: 247
Publishing Date: 2023-01-02
Branch: intersectorial
Category: book (hardcover)
This book is based on the topics, questions and results of the international conference "Aesthetics of Transformation - Arts Education Research and the Challenge of Cultural Sustainability". It aims to foster and sharpen the understanding of the potential role of arts education and arts education research for cultural sustainability. In an ever more complex and interconnected world, culture is a valuable resource for sustainable development. Based on the thesis that the change towards sustainability has to be a change that starts with cultural practices of perception and knowledge, this book makes an important contribution to the broad discourse on cultural sustainability, which has begun to emerge in recent years.

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