
Cultural Entrepreneurs meet in Yaoundé, Cameroon

As from the 14th to 19th September 2009 twenty six cultural entrepreneurs drawn from the Central African region (Cameroon, Chad, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central Africa Republic, Burundi) and Mali (West Africa) attended a training seminar on Cultural policies and development of creative and cultural industries for Central African countries" met in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

The seminar was jointly organized by the Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa (OCPA), Mozambique; Centre Régional de Recherche et de Documentation sur les Traditions Orales et pour le Développement des Langues Africaines (CERDOTOLA), Cameroon; the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID); and the ACP Cultural Observatory - ACP Cultures programme of the ACP Secretariat.
Several presentations were delivered by both local and international speakers touching on themes dealing with the role of culture in development, cultural policies, developing the creative industries, information and communication technologies, networks, funding, markets etc. The roles of OCPA and ACP Cultures were also explained. Seminar participants worked in two groups. Participants were invited to submit projects in which they were involved. Experts and the participants together examined the projects in the workshops. Participants were schooled on further developing their projects in order to attract donor funding. This was a very creative and interesting way to promote the development of the creative industries in the Central Africa region.
The last day was dedicated to Frederic Jacquemont of ACP Cultures Programme of the ACP Secretariat who took time to explain the objectives and missions of to the ACP Cultural Observatory to participants. It enabled participants to get a better understanding of the role cultural industries could play in poverty alleviation. It also offered participants the opportunity to consult beneficiaries on their needs and expectations in terms of guidance, analysis and advocacy, and the support the Cultural Observatory could provide in the future.
The Yaoundé seminar resulted in a Declaration which addresses recommendations to artists, cultural operators, regional political authorities as well as European and ACP partners.
Peter Musa is a Cameroonian visual artist and freelance journalist. Since 1996 has been the director of MusArt Gallery www.musartgallery.info.ms He is also a co-founder and coordinator of CREATE www.createinfo.net.ms

An article by Peter Musa, correspondent, Cameroon
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