Tad Lathrop

This Business of Global Music Marketing

Publisher: Watson-Guptill
ISBN: 0823077888
Number of pages: 288
Publishing Date: 2007-09-01
Branch: music
Category: book (hardcover)
Worldwide tours, internet downloads, international album distribution--the global market for music is expanding with lightning speed, and that means big opportunities for everyone in the music business. The main obstacle? Lack of knowledge. The world market is packed with opportunity, but its also full of cultural, regulatory, administrative, legal, political, and logistical pitfalls. This Business of Global Music Marketing offers a map of the world, with full information on how to break into the global market, how to distribute records abroad, how to find an audience, how to package records to appeal to local markets, how to establish partnerships with foreign businesses, how to deal with different rules of trade, and much more. A companion volume to author Tad Lathrops top-selling This Business of Music Marketing and Promotion, This Business of Global Music Marketing offers everyone in the music business a chance to go global.

Hardcover: 288 pages

Publisher: Billboard Books (August 21, 2007)

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