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Tizian Baldinger, Timon R. Böse, N.N., Ruth Butterfield

Everything for Art: How to be a successful artist

Publisher: Timon R. Böse Onlineverlag
ISBN: ‎ 9783949037047
Number of pages: 168
Publishing Date: 2021-12-01
Branch: intersectorial
Category: book (softcover)
Are you an artist? Are you interested in studying art? Do you want to know what drives the art market? Or do you simply want to know how to become a successful artist? From the first-hand experience of a world-renowned artist, this book gives you a deep insight into the art world and reveals how you can become successful yourself.
The two authors got together with a world-famous artist and asked for some advice. From these conversations - supplemented with input from fellow artists, gallery owners, collectors, and curators, as well as their own rich experiences in the art world - this book was written. It is the first book that analyzes the art system from the inside out and gives you all the necessary knowledge for your career as an artist in a clearly structured form.
It’s not a conventional how-to manual, because it doesn’t try to motivate as many people as possible and make them happy. But neither is it a classic textbook that regurgitates existing knowledge. Rather, it is a pioneering work, written from the active artist’s perspective of an insider. It is written with the aim of providing the reader with an overview of the current art system that is as comprehensible, structured, and objective as possible. It tries to be helpful and practical without ignoring the fact that success eludes many artists not because of a lack of talent but because of a lack of compatibility with the current art system.

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