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Judith Teitelman

brings over 37 years of experience in helping grass roots to large organizations strengthen their management and resource generating capacities and effectively plan for the future. She is also a mentor, professional advisor, and trainer to artists working in all disciplines, and is currently adjunct faculty at California Institute of the Arts team teaching Entrepreneurship. In her parallel realm, Judith’s debut novel, "Guesthouse for Ganesha,” was published in May, 2019.

Newest content of Judith Teitelman

Time Management for Artists and Creative Entrepreneurs
How to Get What You Want Done 2020-08-24
For artist entrepreneurs, successful time management is successful self-management. And successful self-management requires planning and organization and discipline—the ability to respond and commit to your needs and wants first and foremost.
» How to Get What You Want Done

Strategic Planning for Entrepreneurial Artists
Your Plan Starts With Your Vision 2020-03-09
With change as a given, plans ensure preparedness for artist entrepreneurs. This means being proactive rather than reactive. Plans ensure not panicking about what’s taking place around you. No matter the circumstances. Artist entrepreneurs, like many of us, often don't spend time to consider where they are going. If this is the case for you, how will you know how to get there?
» Your Plan Starts With Your Vision
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