
Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowship Program


James Early or Carla Borden
Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Smithsonian Institution
Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Smithsonian Institution

Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellows at the Smithsonian Institution Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage will help expand and refine a theoretical framework for cultural heritage discourse that reflects the perspectives, activities, and participation of academic specialists, civil society groups, and public cultural organizations and that can inform dialogues across social, political, and disciplinary boundaries.

Cultural heritage is today a rubric of ever-expanding scope in the international arena, and increasingly so in the United States. Its meaning largely determined by experts, cultural heritage is used as a basis for multinational, national, state, and local programs. Cultural heritage is also the focus of ideas and programs generated by hundreds of non-governmental organizations, ethnic, regional, and community-based groups...
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