
Cultural Policy Update (CPU) - an international e-journal of the Boekman Foundation

Cultural Policy Update (CPU) is an international e-journal reflecting on recent development in cultural policies. CPU aims to stir up the worldwide debate about changes in art support systems due to globalization, economic crises, new market opportunities et cetera. It serves as a platform for new points of view and arguments. CPU contains essential reading for cultural policy makers, researchers, students, art lovers, cultural workers and professionals with an interest in arts and culture. It is published by the Boekman Foundation in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
CPU_2011_1_thumb2CPU#1: "Supporting the arts in spinning times"

In large parts of the world culture and cultural policies are under pressure. To resist the gloom of recession old mindsets have to let go and replaced by new, positive ways of thinking. An exchange of arguments and analyses is at the fore, now more than ever. In CPU#1 support models from Europe, Asia and Australia are under scrutiny. The old model of the patron state is wearing out, much is expected from a diversification of funding sources. This includes the use of trading and contracting models, as well as an increase of private support. Besides, n ew types of investment are in demand. A democratic and dynamic society needs the arts which should engage with other domains in society. Herein lies their added value for society. Artists, cultural institutions and governments alike have to leave their comfort zone to establish new alliances . Read more about this in CPU#1
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