
Cultural Diplomacy in Arts and Education

Cultural Diplomacy in Arts and Education
Saturday & Sunday, March 27 & 28
Saturday & Sunday, April 3 & 4
This conference organized by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and Dr. Ruth Bereson, Assistant Professor at Teachers College Columbia University will address issues regarding Cultural Diplomacy over two consecutive weekends.

The first weekend will focus o­n models of cultural diplomacy through educational projects and the second will focus o­n arts, the media and the state.
The format will be a combination of lectures, panels, films, musical performances, slide shows, and small focus group discussions.

The event is an investigation into the meaning and nature of cultural diplomacy, both over time and in the present day. It is also an investigation into the multiple factors that lead to a more thorough understanding of the term cultural diplomacy.
In particular, the event will focus o­n the roles of education and the arts, and how they are used as tools in the diplomat's case to reach across borders. Teachers College at Columbia University and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy are working together to address these issues by inviting students, academics, critics, artists, diplomats and professionals in the field to present and discuss diverse perspectives.
There will be significant contributions from many organizations and individuals in the field, including but not limited to:

- New York Times
- photojournalist Alan Chin
- Leah Pisar, Former Communications Director, National Security Council and State Department under the Clinton Administration
- Emeritus Professor John Pick, founding professor of Arts Policy and Management, The City University London and former Professor of Rhetoric, Gresham College London
- Sarah Gardner, Executive Director, International Federation of Arts Councils and Cultural Agencies (IFACCA)
- Patricia Quinn, Director, Arts Council of Ireland
- Austrian Cultural Forum
- Joanna Sherman, Artistic Director, Bond Street Theatre
- Fritzie Brown, Director, CEC ArtsLink
- Lynne Sachs, Award-winning Filmmaker
- Olivia Georgia, Director, Bronx Museum
- Peter Trippi, Director, Dahesh Museum
- Breda Kennedy, Program Director, International Studio Program
- Noreen Tomassi, President & CEO, Arts International
- Con Fuoco Duo, Former Cultural Ambassadors to Africa o­n behalf of the US State Department
- Faculty from Teachers College Columbia University's Afghanistan Project
- Auburn Theological Seminary Face to Face/Faith to Faith Project
- Global Nomads Group
- Teachers College Music Education Program

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