
A Reconceptualization of the RAND Model of Audience Development

A recent study by the RAND organization proposes a new model of audience development in which potential audience members are segmented into three groups: participating, inclined to participate and disinclined to participate...
The model suggests that audience members progress from being disinclined to participate, to being inclined to participate, to participating, and that the factors influencing the choice to participate are different at each of the three stages. This model is an improvement over earlier models of audience development, but it still has two problems: it does not take into account multiple barriers to participation at the different stages, and it does not capture the potential for a marketing strategy to impact on multiple audience segments. By drawing on the Motivation/Ability/Opportunity model from consumer research, this paper provides a more specific segmentation of the arts market and demonstrates the complications that can arise when a strategy affects multiple segments.

Details: International Journal of Arts Management, Vol 7 No 1 (Fall 2004)

by Jennifer Wiggins
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