
Arts Management Newsletter

No 107: Sustainability

Sustainability has become a buzz word in all areas of life ranging from sustainable finance to sustainable tourism or sustainable consumption. But "sustainable arts and culture" ... ?!
The origins and actual meaning of sustainability or, alternatively, sustainable development are not always clear and the complexity of the term does not help in making it more accessible. In the latest Arts Management Newsletter, we take up the connection between sustainability and the creative industries, looking at it from various different angles ...

We want to introduce several approaches and aspects of sustainability in this newsletter and hope it meets your interest and target your own professional or educational background. A special thanks goes to Annett Baumast, which make this special possible at all.

Table of Contents

SPECIAL FOCUS - Sustainability
  • Sustainability in the Theatre, by Annett Baumast
  • Is Sustainability sustainable?, by WolfBrown Consultants & Joanna Woronkowicz
  • Case for Change Capital in the Arts, by the Nonprofit Finance Fund
  • Innovation, Sustainability & Creative Economy
  • When Arts Presenters meet, by Alvin H. Reiss

About Arts Management Quarterly

Are you interested in succeeding in the international arts sector? Then you need a comprehensive overview of new developments and the necessary know-how for their implementation. Arts Management Quarterly is an established digital journal aimed at the international audience. Not only does it reflect major developments in arts management and society beyond the national context, it also sheds light on regional developments and approaches that can be inspiring for the international arts sector.
Arts Management Quarterly can be obtained free of charge by email if you subscribe here:
In each issue, the journal focuses on a central topic from different perspectives to assess it in its entirety for the international arts sector. The journal also includes the series “Recommended Reading“ and “My working world“.
Arts Management Quarterly is published under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
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