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Nicole Stutzman

is Chair of Learning Initiatives and Director of Education at the Dallas Museum of Art. She has served in a number of positions within the DMAs education department. She also designs and implements educational programming for all ages in the Tech Lab of the Center for Creative Connections. In 2007, she was named Art Educator of the Year, Museum Division, by the Texas Art Education Association.

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The Dallas Museum of Art Friends program
More knowledge by friends. 2016-10-11
The DMA is committed to knowing its museum visitors better and deepening their connection with the art displayed in its collections and special exhibitions. For over 10 years, the museum has conducted research using diverse evaluative tools that support the staff in their efforts to better understand the preferences, actions and curiosities of its audiences. Through this increased knowledge, museums gain valuable insight for nurturing relationships between people, art, and museums.
» More knowledge by friends.
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