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Marie Meininger

studied Cultural Studies, English and Comparative Literature Studies in Potsdam, London and Paderborn. Her emphasis and experiences focus on popular culture and cultural management. She has work experience as a consult for cultural and public institutions as well as business in recruiting and HR processes.

Newest content of Marie Meininger

Book Review
Culture as a Vocation. Sociology of career choices in cultural management 2016-06-30
The French sociologist and political scientist Vincent Dubois' book Culture as a Vocation deals with the central questions concerning career decisions in cultural management: When and where had this comparatively young job profile its origin? Who aims for such a career today and which are the social and personal factors that influence this decision? With his answers Dubois lays the foundation for a yet strongly neglected field.
» Culture as a Vocation. Sociology of career choices in cultural management
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