Author PRofile

Laura Brower Hagood

is a certified fundraising executive and advocates for financial sustainability, programmatic innovation, and community engagement in the nonprofit cultural sector in the U.S. and Europe. Her experience includes public relations and audience development, corporate, foundation, and association giving. She holds a dual masters from American University in arts management and art history.

Newest content of Laura Brower Hagood

Museum Friends Associations
Membership and Fundraising Models in Evolution 2016-10-06
Functions that are often considered secondary to museums scholarly competencies include revenue generation such as fundraising, meetings and events, museum shops etc. Over the last five decades or so, German friends associations have developed organically to fill many of these needs. In the United States, in contrast, museums fulfill these functions themselves, including their membership programs, suggesting an intriguing contrast and lessons to be learned.
» Membership and Fundraising Models in Evolution
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