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Camara Christina Lundestad Joof

is a vocalist in the Norwegian hip hop trio Evig Poesi and in the industrial pop band Sid Savant, and a writer. She has been heading up the youth and children theatre Den Mangfaldige Scenen AS, worked as a producer for The Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture and as a freelance political and artistic adviser for the art institutions in Norway. Camara is a member of various boards and councils in Norway.

Newest content of Camara Christina Lundestad Joof

Arts and Audiences in the Nordic countries
"Bigger than the individual pipeline" 2014-08-21
Arts and Audiences is a series of Nordic conferences on audience development and arts collaboration. In this sense it is a meeting point for cultural professionals who want to find new ways to extend audience engagement. We have talked to Camara Christina Lundestad Joof who is coordinating and co-producing this year's conference.
» "Bigger than the individual pipeline"
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