
New Theatre Management Text

Theatre Management: Producing and Managing the Performing Arts by David M. Conte and Stephen Langley, has just been released. The new book is written from the point of view that all of the performing arts share the same core issues and that skills learned in o­ne performing art are both applicable and easily transferable to another...
David M. Conte is currently working o­n Broadway as the manager of the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre. While updating the 1990 edition of the late Stephen Langleys seminal text, Theatre Management and Production in America, long considered the bible of legitimate theatre management, he chose to expand the work to include all the performing arts. According to Mr. Conte, "The similarities among the performing arts organizations are much greater than the differences. They all must produce or present artistically satisfying works in accord with their missions, find and keep an audience, provide for their financial and creative well-being,and maintain good personnel and public relations. All types of organizations, regardless of size, must deal with marketing, fund raising, ticketing, cash flow, personnel, production management, boards of directors and personnel, and more."

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