
New Book highlights the Acoustics of 130 Drama Theatres from around the World

The acoustic environment is paramount in any space that houses dramatic performance. Thornton Wilder said, the unencumbered stage encourages the truth operative in everyone. The less seen, the more heard. A new book published through the Acoustical Society of America takes an inside look at the acoustical design of 130 drama theatres from around the world.
Acoustical Design of Theatres for Drama Performance: 1985 2010, edited by Professors David T. Bradley, Erica E. Ryherd, and Michelle C. Vigeant, is a compilation of drama theatres that have been designed during this 25-year period. Top acoustical consulting firms from around the world contributed examples of their work, including images, acoustical data, and descriptions of the theatres.
The book is a valuable educational resource that provides introductions from leading theatre consultants and a prominent artistic director, an overview of key aspects involved in the acoustic design of drama theatres, and a comprehensive glossary of common theatre acoustics terminology. Further, the book is a useful reference, as the contributed theatres are categorized according to theatre type, and are indexed by consulting firm and by geographic location.
"...a must for the bookshelves of all involved in the process of designing, using, and maintaining drama theatres..." -William J. Cavanaugh, Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and Co-Editor: Architectural Acoustics: Principles and Practice, 2nd Ed., Wiley, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9846084-5-4
Acoustical Society of America Office: http://www.acousticalsociety.org
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