
Digital Development to enhance the Potential of your Cultural Organisation

AmbITion is an online toolkit that has been specifically designed for an arts organisation to develop themselves digitally. Through an easy to follow step-by-step approach, supported by a wide range of templates, tips and resources, your organisation can now approach digital development with confidence.
Traditionally, audits were mainly associated with gaining information about financial systems and the financial records of a company or a business. However, recent auditing has begun to include other information about the system, such as information about security risks, information systems performance. The general definition of an audit is an evaluation of a person, organisation, system, process, enterprise, project or product. Audits are performed to ascertain the validity and reliability of information, so right here at the beginning of the AmbITion process, be brutally honest with yourselves about where you are at now. By understanding the complete picture of your situation now, youll be able to see what your starting point is and so plan accordingly.

That is your Aspiration?

Any digital development is not just about the technology. Its about enhancing the potential of your organisation to be better equipped for the 21st century. Its about your artistic content, your audience development, your organisational and your business model development. If your digital development idea comes from the core passion and purpose of your organisation, then youre starting on the right foot.

What is your Capability?

Do you have experience of implementing change and introducing new systems before? (this experience doesnt have to be digital/IT related change and new systems tend to impact people and their ways of working, and this will need sensitive management).

What is your expertise?

The motivation and commitment to the digital development journey needs to be owned by the Chief Executive of the organisation. You may have a digital native in-house who can lead or support the process.

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