G. Edward Evans, Patricia Layzell Ward

Leadership Basics for Librarians and Information Professionals

Publisher: Scarecrow Press
ISBN: 0810852292
Number of pages: 256
Publishing Date: 2007-02-06
Branch: libraries & archives
Category: book (softcover)
Addressing the host of challenges and changes facing information service professionals in the coming years, Evans and Ward provide an extensive collection of valuable research and recommendations for the current and future leaders. Arranged in three sections, their book offers background followed by an important section on the development of leadership skills and, finally, real-world experiences drawn from survey responses and conversations with colleagues. The writing is thoughtful, well organized, and straightforward. Each chapter opens with a list of items it will cover and closes with a list of references. "Check This Out" boxes scattered throughout the text cite additional readings, and other text boxes contain tips, definitions of terms, and more. Up-and-coming information professionals will gain insight and knowledge from this inspirational work on the art and science of leadership.

# Paperback: 272 pages

# Publisher: Scarecrow Press (February 2007)

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