Sally Gardner Reed

Small Libraries: A Handbook for Successful Management

Publisher: McFarland & Co
ISBN: 0786412380
Number of pages: 178
Publishing Date: 2002-05-31
Branch: libraries & archives
Category: book (softcover)
This fully revised and updated edition provides current information on automation and technology and on advocacy to help small public libraries strive to make available the same basic services as larger libraries. This book is written for the directors of these honest-to-goodness small libraries, providing both a philosophical as well as a common sense basis for decision making. Appendices provide sample documents for a librarys Statement of Purpose, worksheets for job descriptions and personnel policies, a volunteer application form, ALA documents (Library Bill of Rights and Code of Ethics), a list of discount book dealers, and a sample meeting room policy.

About the Author

Sally Gardner Reed, executive director of Friends of Libraries USA (FOLUSA) is the editor of Creating the Future: Essays on Librarianship in an Age of Great Change (1996) and author of Library VolunteersWorth the Effort! A Program Managers Guide (1994). She lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.<

Paperback: 178 pages

Publisher: McFarland & Company; 2nd edition (May 2002)

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