Giep Hagoort

Art Management: Entrepreneurial Style

Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 9051668023
Number of pages: 312
Publishing Date: 2004-03-01
Branch: foundation
Category: book (softcover)
Giep Hagoort runs the Master Programme of Art and Media Management at Utrecht School of the Arts. The book is truly international in its examples and suggests that arts managers need to develop a 'glocal' attitude. To let the start of Chapter 1 speak for itself: 'This book is about art management, entrepreneurial style. It is intended to give practical, theoretical and conceptual insight into the management of profit and non-profit cultural organizations. The combination of art, culture and management and of theory and practice will, we believe, provide a real aid to those who want to acquire knowledge about running cultural businesses. The readers we have in mind are people who are involved with educational programmes: students, participants, teachers and programme directors. The reader will find a lot of practical cases, case studies and learning questions, which will aid the understanding of the complexity of art and cultural management. We also aim to reach artists, leaders and team members of cultural projects, managers of cultural organizations and other professionals who are interested in linking general management issues to the art and cultural sector

Paperback 312 pages (March 2004)

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

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