Elizabeth E. Merritt, American Association of Museums

2003 Museum Financial Information

Publisher: American Alliance of Museums
ISBN: 0931201861
Number of pages: 142
Publishing Date: 2003-05-01
Branch: museum & cultural heritage
Category: book (softcover)
The latest, most comprehensive financial and operational data from Americas museums. Take a look at the numbers on a wide range of institutional activities, from attendance, operating and non-operating income and expenses, earned income sources, and costs of collections care to the net profit per square foot of museum stores and food services, and the percent of operating expenses devoted to administration and fund raising. Compare your museums financial performance to the field-wide averages and gain insight into areas of operation that may need improvement. AAMs field-wide survey of 800 museums of all types also features a section on demographicsthe number, types, and distribution of museums in the United Statesand a section on financial trends from fiscal years 2000 to 2002. Essential reading for directors, boards of trustees, financial and development officers, and others involved in museum management and finance.
Published in 2003, 150 pages

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