Robert R. Janes (Editor-in-chief)

Museum Management and Curatorship

ISBN: 0260-4779
Publishing Date: 2010-02-01
Category: book ()
Museum Management and Curatorship has established itself as a formidable force amongst museum periodicals, providing authoritative, up-to-date and independent consideration of key issues in the field. In recent years, concepts of management within museums have changed dramatically. With greater specialization and increased professionalism has come a growing recognition of the importance of sound curatorship.

Museum Management and Curatorship provides unrivalled coverage of subjects vital to the future provision of museum services, including: the archival function of museums - conservation for future generations as well as collecting object-based knowledge; application and development of new techniques of conservation and display; and the theoretical, social and cultural bases of museums.

Internet: Museum Management and Curatorship Website (Elsevier Science Publishing)

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