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Orian Brook, Dave O'Brien, Mark Taylor

Culture Is Bad for You: Inequality in the Cultural and Creative Industries

Publisher: Manchester University Press
ISBN: 9781526144164
Number of pages: 352
Publishing Date: 2020-09-14
Branch: intersectorial
Category: book (hardcover)
Culture will keep you fit and healthy. Culture will bring communities together. Culture will improve your education. This is the message from governments and arts organisations across the country; however, this book explains why we need to be cautious about culture.
Offering a powerful call to transform the cultural and creative industries, Culture is bad for you examines the intersections between race, class, and gender in the mechanisms of exclusion in cultural occupations. Exclusion from culture begins at an early age, the authors argue, and despite claims by cultural institutions and businesses to hire talented and hardworking individuals, women, people of colour, and those from working class backgrounds are systematically disbarred.
While the inequalities that characterise both workforce and audience remain unaddressed, the positive contribution culture makes to society can never be fully realised.

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