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Elena Bertelli

is project and communication manager at BAM! Cultural Strategies / Museomix Italia. Since 2015 in the team of BAM! Strategie Culturali, a consulting and design company in audience development and cultural management, Elena is one of the founders of the Italian community of Museomix and has collaborated in the organization of two editions of Museomix in Ferrara. She graduated in contemporary art history and has been working in communication and marketing. In 2008, she set up the Dante Bighi Study Centre, a cultural association that has reopened and manages Villa Bighi, a house museum and contemporary art production centre in Copparo, in the province of Ferrara.

Newest content of Elena Bertelli

Technology, participation and creativity in museums worldwide 2017-04-18
Museomix is a creative makeathon held every year, on the same weekend and in different places of the world. Elena Bertelli from Museomix Italia explains how different professionals together with volunteers and museum staff create a working space in order to design innovative mediation tools - useful to improve visitors experience, engage new audiences and help the museum staff to adopt new skills and perspectives.
» Technology, participation and creativity in museums worldwide
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